For me, art is a fluid thing. I never get hung up on one style, one process, one type of media. I'm constantly trying new approaches and subjects in a constant quest for improvement.
The work in this section ranges from pieces that were done over time with traditional tools to drawings on the back of envelopes. I'm regularly drawing. Sometimes painting. Always creating.
For a lot more of my artwork, please visit my Instagram account.

From time to time, I used to let my daughter act as my art director. I get general ideas and shapes from her and implement them into illustrations done at the dining room table. These are always a lot of fun and give me a chance to create new types of collaborative art.

This was an exercise in which I decided to turn my signature (generally "b!") into monsters.

I love Kermit the Frog, so I painted him.

This Yoda was drawn during lunch one day because I had, nearby, a marker and a blue colored pencil and felt like drawing a Yoda.

This was another lunchtime drawing. Some young Jedi have trouble with lightsabers.

Every once in a while, I feel a little overwhelmed. It's in these moments that I draw what I'm feeling. Sometimes it helps.

Yeah. What ARE you looking at? (A drawing of Iago, a deviled egg)

Hulk square.

Vampire Punk is a thing, right? Sure it is.

One of the more detailed pieces I did during #inktober, a month-long celebration of ink-based drawings.

A rancor in ink and watercolor.

Typical doodling during lunchtime. For these, I had a goal of using asymmetry to cause unease.

I have a hard time drawing Batman in one type of style or level of seriousness. This is one of my favorites, created digitally.

Another piece created for #inktober, this is Troma Films' Toxic Avenger done in the style of Jack Kirby.

One day I thought, "I would like to experiment with textures." So I did.

I drew these fine fellows during a conference call. Since drawing helps me listen (it's a proven fact!), I generally have a notepad on one side during meetings and something on the other side for doodles.

Radioactive Jughead is hungry. Digital creation.

I'm always intrigued by blending photographs with illustration. This is a combination of reading a lot of children's books with spending most of my life where the Revolutionary and Civil Wars happened.

This was done very quickly. I decided to do something with lots of sketching and hatching.

My personal philosophy is "draw on everything." So I do. Even people.

A wizard and a glowing ball go hand in hand.


Draw. On. Everything.

The Legend of Zelda is my favorite console game series of all time. So when I draw from it, I like to have fun with it.